Monday, November 8, 2010

Week two Kite Runner Post

            In the Second third of The Kite Runner, Amir and his father Baba move to America because the Russians invaded Afghanistan and it became to dangerous to live there.  In America Amir is able to adjust quickly and happily, while it kills Baba.  Baba has lived in Afghanistan his whole life, and has a deep connection with its people and culture not to mention the wealth he had there.  For Baba leaving Afghanistan is the worst thing that could possibly happen, he leaves behind almost everything he loves and must live a completely different lifestyle halfway around the world.  This is also what caused Baba to become more attached to Amir in America.  Amir was all Baba had.  In America Baba made an effort to go to the flea market because of all the memories it brought back to him, it was a place to meet with people who were facing the same problems that he was.  The reason that Baba loved Amir's decision to marry Suraya is that she came from a wealthy Afghan family.  The fact that she was from Afghanistan caused Baba to feel like Amir marrying her would cause them to be more connected to their roots in Afghanistan. What caused Baba to die was that he didn’t want to use American treatment to cure him, if he were in Afghanistan, then he would have gotten the treatment right away.
            Amir, unlike Baba adjusted to America quickly and happily.  Amir only had bad memories in Afghanistan.  It was part of his life that he wanted to end, and escaping in the American lifestyle was a perfect way to do this.  He went to college, married, and got a successful job as a writer, and took on the American way of life with ease.  The main difference between him and Baba is their connections with Afghanistan.  Amir’s was negative, but Baba’s was positive.  All Baba wanted was to go back to Afghanistan where he belonged, and all Amir wanted to do was get as far away as possible from his roots and the haunting memories they brought him.

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