Thursday, November 4, 2010

Response to Jesse's Post

I am doing a response to Jesse’s post on Kite Runner.

In Jesse’s post, he explains that the reason Amir acted so negatively towards Hassan after he was raped was that Amir felt very bad for not doing anything while it was going on, and felt like he himself didn’t deserve Hassan.  This is shown in Jesse’s writing when he writes
            “Hassan had always stuck up for Amir and helped him whenever he needed it most, and during             Hassan's greatest moment of need, Amir ran and pretended that he never saw what happened.             Even when Amir saves him from any more harm from Assef, he still is haunted by his decision to             run instead of trying to protect Hassan. He knows that he could never do anything to be able to             forgive himself for what he did, even if Hassen did.”

Although this is a very well evidenced explanation, I have a different opinion on the tension between the two ex friends.  The reason Amir didn’t interact with Hassan after he was raped was that he was Jealous of Hassan.  Throughout the whole story Baba makes an effort to make sure that whenever he and Amir can have a moment alone Hassan is there or has been invited.  This leads Amir to believe that Baba loves the child of their servant as much, or possibly even more then his own child.  Also when Amir and Hassan were approached by Assef on the hill, Hassan had the courage to stand up to Assef and cause him to stop bullying Amir.  Amirs lack of this kind of courage is shown when he witnesses Hassan getting raped.  Although no one knows that Amir is watching the brutal act, he still chooses not to get help because he is a coward.    After, that is when Amir can’t talk to Hassan because he is angry at him for being stronger.  This situation gets even worse when Hassan is able to heal from the incident even faster then Amir.  They were no longer able to be friends because they were simply different.  They had different personalities, different strengths, different weaknesses, and very importantly, different religions.

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