Monday, November 1, 2010

Kite Runner

After reading the first third of kite runner, I now have an idea of what the story is about.  Khaled Hosseini wrote the story to give readers an idea of peoples view on equality.  Equality is a huge part of novel as it is a huge part of the world.  There are three different charactors in The Kite Runner that dispkay different views on it.  Baba believes that no matter who you are or where you come from you are the same as everyone else.  Amir believes that you can associate with or be friends with anyone, but how people view you is more important than the special bonds you form with others.  Finally Assef, the evil child who worships Hitler has an oppinion that all of humanity must be divided into groups that reflect your personal beliefs and race.
            Baba lived a very similar life to Amir, in the fact that both of them had a friendship with someone who society doesn’t accept.  The only differencem is that Baba didn’t see what the world thought of his friendship and Amir did.  Baba didn’t have any reason to think that his friendship was wrong so he kept the belef that everyone can get along and is equal throught his whole life.  Amir on the other hand was judged by his peers on his bond with Hassan.  Because of this he only played with Hassan when he was by himself, and evenlooked down on him on certain occasions.  Amir’s self conciouness was the thing that ended up ruining his friendship with Hassan.
            Assef is the complete opposite of Baba.  He hates thoughs who are different from him.  This is reflected by his praise of the Adolf Hitler.  Assef tries whenever possible to put others down.  Assef can be compared to Hitler, exept on a much smaller scale.  They both blame all the problems on others.  For example Assef blames the problems in Afganistan on Hazaras, especially Hassan.  Hitler responds to this by murdering six million Jews.  While 

1 comment:

  1. sorry hers the rest of it:
    While Assef responds by raping Hassan. The reason Assef chose to rape Hassan instead of beat him up is that raping is degrading, and unlike getting beaten up which only hurts on the outside, getting raped can perminatly damage your inner feelings.
