Friday, November 5, 2010


One day Timmy the turtle was swimming in the ocean when he was eaten by a shark.  The shark said "I am going to eat you", Timmy said "no, please don't".  After that the shark ate Timmy.  

Freddy the Frog was hopping by the pond and say a tiger drinking the pond water.  Freddy said "Don't drink the water, I go pee pee in there."  Then the tiger died.

Carl the cow was grazing in his field when he was taken into a building.  In the building a farmer killed him and turned him into a hamburger.  The hamburger was then eaten by Carl's parents who later died because Carl tasted so bad.

Peggy the Polar Bear was sleeping on a block of drifting ice.  The ice began to melt and Peggy fell into  the watter and drowned.  While she was drowning, she said "Oh no I'm drowning,"  Then she died and was eaten by wolves.

Emmanuel the elephant was walking through Africa when he got thirsty, then died of dehydration.  Later that evening Emmanuel was eaten by crocodiles.

Sam the squirrel met Christian the Chameleon one day.  They became friends right away, but their friendship came to an abrupt end when Sam strangled Cristian with Cristian's own tong.  Cristian said "Ow your strangling me,"  Sam said "I know."  Then Cristian died.

Kenny the Kangaroo was hoping through Australia when he tripped on a rock and broke his leg.  Not being able to move Kenny yelled "I'm injured help me, but please don't eat me!"  After he yelled this a bunch of spiders came and ate him.

Brady the Bird was flying through the sky and saw a plane coming at him.  He tried to change direction but he wasn't fast enough so he was sucked into the planes engine.  As he was going into the engine he said "o no I am going to die."  Then he died.

The End

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