Thursday, January 20, 2011

Terrorism Solution Opening Statement

I believe that the best first step that can be taken against terrorism is to create an understanding between the United States Government and nonviolent Muslims.  Here in America we are finding it difficult to avoid  the constant threat of terrorism, and some of us won’t even consider attempting to accept the presence of Islam in America.  I believe that acceptance will lead to peace.
    Here is a quote from the united states institute of peace that symbolizes Americas vision on what is happening in the Middle East:
This quote says that the reason we are still there is that their government needs our support.  I believe that this is true.  But we also have to know that us being there is another reason that they hate us.  My solution is to offer the victims of these wars an easy way to get out of their violent countries.  We can build shelters for refugees outside of their borders.  We can reform U.S. immigration laws, but what we can’t do is change those countries government and philosophy.  We attempted to do end communism in Korea, and failed.  We attempted to do the same, in Vietnam, and failed.  We for a while have been trying to change the Chinese treatment of its workforce, but they are not showing any major signs of changing.  Based on simple reasoning, I doubt that shooting at terrorist groups will cause them to become less violent.  And even if we want to shoot at them, we should never put the innocent people at risk.  
Another problem is that many Americans are just as stubborn as the radical Muslims.  Some of us believe that democracy must be forced upon everyone, especially our enemies.  This will not solve anything.  We should now know that we will not change a government with violence.  I believe that we can save the innocent with peace, and then simply let them be.  Or we can evacuate their countries then bomb their government and Military structures.   I’m sure that we all remember the Mosque that peaceful Muslims tried to place in the general vicinity of ground zero as a peace offering (Ground Zero Mosque). Americans made many enemies when they denied the building of the harmless structure.  Until we can accept something like this, we will not improve relations with the nonviolent Muslims, which as I said before, is the very first step towards eliminating terrorism.

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