Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Child Called It Author’s Purpose

When Writing A Child Called It, author Dave Pelzer intended to show child abuse from the eyes of a child to help people better understand why abused children experience problems socially, and just to raise awerness for the huge problem that is very much present in America.
Most of the time when we hear about child abuse, we don’t get much detail on what happened. Many would think that this is because the truth is to graphic, but in my opinion, to really understand how evil something is, you must see it at its worst. Recently in history we learned about Gandhi, something that helped his gain support was the press coverage of brutality from the British Empire against Indians. I believe this is a tactic that Pelzer uses to get support for his cause. Now, a child’s point of view may be very biased when it comes to child abuse, but at the same time, the child is the victim, and it is his view that matters. This is a reason that parents and guardians must be extremely careful because something small can cause a lot of damage on kid. Reading o hearing about Child abuse in the media does not give you an idea of how an event really happened. It may tell you, but a child called it shows you. If we hear, “A ten year old was forced to drink cleaning materials.” Our minds wanting to shelter us will fill in the blanks to make the situation not as bad as it really was. However, if we were to hear “Mother rammed the cold spoon deep into my throat… a moment later I couldn’t breath. My throat seized. I stood wobbling in front of mother, feeling as if my eyes were going to pop out of my skull,” We would see the event as what it really is. It went from a kid force to eat something that tastes bad, to a near death experience. After reading the first half of A Child Called It, almost everything I had thought previously about Child abuse changed.


  1. I completely agree with your feelings on how this book has really opened your eyes on the horrors of child abuse. I've read The Child Called "It" twice and both times reading it was traumatizing. I knew about child abuse, but when I thought of the idea I imagined it mainly being excessive beating, however this book really opened my eyes. It also made me very grateful for my life and made me realize that even though my parents and I occasionally have out differences, things could be much much worse. How does it make you feel about your life?

  2. I am wondering what question this post answers, but it is still very good. I really like your idea of exposing evil by showing the worst of it. I think you should expand more on this idea. You have enough quotes to explain this idea, and the quotes are the best for this. Some questions I have are: What happens next for this kid? How should he react to this? Is child abuse legal? I would like to hear about the rest of the story, so keep blogging.

  3. I am still wondering what post this question answers, but this post is very good. I like the idea of exposing evil by showing the worst of it. I think you should expand on this, but your'e quotes are the best for this topic. Some questions I still have are: How do you think this kid should react? What year did this happen, was child abuse legal back then? Overall, I would just like to know the rest of this story, so keep blogging.

  4. I think it was smart showing the similarities between ghandi and the way the press showed what really did happen. I still want to know how the child reacts to this. Also, is it written in the childs point of view? or from the moms. The point of view matters because the view of the mom is obviously different form that of the child.
