Saturday, December 4, 2010

Discussion post

During my disscussion on “the Curious incident of the dog in the night-time” my group and I disscussed the effect of Autism on Christopher’s life.  He doesn’t fit in with society because of the weird habits his disability causes him to have.  One very interesting part of the discussion was when the question that Christopher’s mother might still be alive.  If you think about it, it make since because Christopher was not allowed to see her in the hospital, and she was cremated, making it so there would b no actual opportunity to see a body.  In the discussion I brought up many examples of how his disease limits him, like how he can’t make friends easily, and also how people confuse him.  Some of the topics that we discussed that I would have liked to spend more time on was the fact that it might have been Christopher’s issues that destroyed his parents marriage, not simply his parents not getting along.  I also would have wanted to elaborate on how his mother possibly leaving instead of dieing might connect to the murder of Wellington.  Obviously someone was mad at her, but I doubt it was Mr. Shears because he had already done enough harm to Mrs. Shears, and wouldn’t want to hurt her any more, because obviously it was his fault for leaving Mrs. Shears for Christophers mother.  I would have also wanted to talk more about the way Christopher learns.  We only briefly discussed the fact that despite Christopher’s disability, he is still very intelligent.  I believe that the point of this book is to give readers an inside look of the life of an autistic person.  I love how in the book many habits are explained in a way that people with no problems can relate to them.  One thing that I still don’t under stand in the story is why he uses colors to determine if a day will god or not.  I believe if he wants to be more successful in life he should treat every day the same, making a day that might not have been great if he determined it by looking at cars, into a great day that he determins is a great day by giving it a chance.

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