Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Girl Reading a Letter

I'm doing my post based on this picture

“Mary”, the name I have given the name of the woman in the picture, reads a note from her now ex boyfriend, John, also a made up name.  Last night she met John at a social gathering at a restaurant for the first time.  There at the event they connected really well, so they decided to go back to John’s five story high apartment.  Now we can all probably guess what happened in the apartment based on the very wrinkled condition of the sheets.  For the first time since Mary’s cat Mittens died, she felt like someone actually cared about her.  She felt like this man might be “the one”.  When Mary woke up in the morning instead of seeing John’s handsome face smiling at her, she only found a note and a bowl of fruit.  So she got up, got her clothes from John’s manservant Barry, dressed, then picked up the note and began to read.  The note went like this.

“Dear Maria… erm, Mary,
            Although we had a great time last night, I don’t feel like there is any connection between you and me.  What happened was a mistake, and to be honest Marina… so sorry, Mary, anyway, I had way too much wine, and I actually forgot I was married to a very beautiful wife who I love now just as much as the day I married her.  There is nothing special I see in you.  I’m sure your special someone is out there waiting for you to find him, I just have to tell you that he is not I.  My wife will be returning shortly, and I hope for the good of both of us that you will exit my apartment the moment you finish reading this.  Good bye forever Meredith... I mean Mary.


P.S.  Please don’t eat the fruit, it is for my wife”

This was far too much for Mary to handle, so she dropped the note to the ground for John’s soon to be ex wife to find.  Then she crept slowly to the window, climbed onto the open windowsill, and yelled I’m coming Mittens!  And brought her cold dark loveless life to an end.  Not a single person cried after the thud of Mary hitting the ground five stories below.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Keeping Up

When you start something new you feel like you want to get it over with as quickly as possible.  Instead of the goals that you should have, you develop completely new goals based on what you want, not what is best for you.  Here at ASTI, I feel that I have done this over my first month.  I realise that I have only been focused on keeping my personal life as normal as possible, as my grades drop to a point where I have never seen them before.  Now it is time for me to make a decision, education, or fun.  Of course I choose education, but how long will it be until I forget about my friends, my memories and my life.  I thought I was working hard, but now I see that simply doing your homework quickly isn't the same as working hard.  I am willing to make the sacrifices necessary to get to the point that I need to be at.  I am sure it will be hard, but it is nothing that I can't do.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Response to Aakash's Post on "God"

I found this great quote on Aakash's blog.

 In my opinion, people came up with god (no offense intended to anyone) because they needed a reason to explain a cause in their life they couldn't explain, by science such as the Greeks, Hindus, and the Egyptians.
I strongly agree with this statement.  Although I can't say that I don't believe in god, I find it very hard to believe that there is an actual being supervising the universe.  When the ancient people saw amazing things they couldn't always explain it, so they decided to use religion to explain the "unexplainable".  The reason that I said that i can't say that I don't believe in god is that I don't think everything can be explained by science, for example has time been going on forever, I don't think science will be able to explain this because he answer may just be more spiritual then scientific.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Vocabulary List

1. Context
2. Derive
3. Legislation
4 Commission
5. Institute
6. Perceived
7. Initial
8. Attribute
9. Hence
10. Marginal

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Come Back To Christian's Rebutal

Here's a link to my opponent's rebuttal.

Christian makes a poor point by saying that the Arizona laws are wrong.  First of he has no evidence to support his opinion.  Second, we have specific evidence that states that there is nothing wrong with the Arizona laws:
[I]mmigration enforcement by police agencies shall be implemented in a manner consistent with federal laws regulating immigration, protecting the civil rights of all persons and respecting the privileges and immunities of United States citizens."
-Janice K. Brewer (Gov. of AZ)

The new Arizona law wasn't created just because a bunch of angry white people hate Mexicans.  It was done because
"There are upwards of 400,000 individuals who have received final deportation orders that are hiding in our communities. Their appeals have run out, and those orders tell them, 'it's time to go.' But, the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement can't find them!.. Let me say up front that I respect the new leadership at the Department of Homeland Security and appreciate the fact that they are acknowledging the INS' past mistakes. But there is no way the 2,000 agents they have assigned to find some 400,000 people can get the job done.'
The laws, are only there because the border patrol can't handle the situation alone, and need a little help.

Also they accuse us for racial profiling when we said that if illegal immigration continues then crime will increase.  Now I must say for the second time that that is not what we meant, if more and more people continue to enter the country, as a result there will be fewer and fewer jobs, as a result anyone who has lost their job because of this might turn to stealing to earn the money needed to survive.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Response to Colin's Opening Statement

I'm going to do a response to Colin's opening statement about medical marijuana.

In his opening statement, Colin has many great points about legalizing marijuana.  For example he said that
"Joycelyn Elders, MD, former US Surgeon General, wrote that medical marijuana can relieve certain types of pain, nausea, and the “symptoms caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS -- or by the harsh drugs sometimes used to treat them.""
This is a great quote to support the fact that marijuana can help to relieve pain, and isn't simply used because it is addictive.  He also goes on to explain that the drug isn't actually as potent as many of the drugs on the legal market today.

Although the information is great, some of it isn't backed up by evidence.  
"We believe marijuana should be a medial option for “medical reasons”. We believe con is wrong and can’t beat us because people with medical problems need it to treat the pain."
This is a very powerful statement, but he has no evidence or examples of marijuana being "needed" to treat pain.  Finally, I believe he could have found a few more details to support the legalization of marijuana, although he did give us a very strong argument, this is still only one example.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Debate Response

First of all, our opponents said that our economy is benefited by illegal immigration.  But we have statistics that prove that not true.
"...the net fiscal cost of immigration ranges from $11 billion to $22 billion per year, with most government expenditures on immigrants coming from state and local coffers, while most taxes paid by immigrants go to the federal treasury."
-Center of Immigration Studies.  October 24 2007

It is clear that Immigration is more of a burden then a benefit.  After this they go on to say that they take jobs that Americans don't want, there is no statistics or evidence to back up, and anyway if someone is unemployed and very low on money, they will take whatever job is offered to them.  Finally they explained that we should allow illegals to stay in America, this makes no sense because as explained by the Herritage foundation in October 3, 2007
"Do not grant amnesty to illegal aliens. Regardless of the penalties imposed, any program that grants individuals who are unlawfully present the legal permission to remain here rewards illegal behavior and is unfair to those who obey the law and go through the regula­tory and administrative requirements to enter the country legally."