Thursday, August 26, 2010

I found this great quote from Billy's response to odd girl out, that I think relates to the ASTI constitution.
"During elementary school, I had a friend who was very bossy. He had to have everything his way, and had to make everyone listen to him. One day, this friend got mad because another kid pushed him and called him stupid, and he came running to me. He told me that he wanted to start a group so that he can get back at him. He also said whoever joined gets a cookie everyday at lunchtime. I joined and so did a whole bunch of people. Everyday we had to make fun of the other kid and not let him play with us, to get a free cookie. The kid soon started to cry and everyone left the group hoping not to get in trouble."

I think that this fits into the ASTI constitution very well, especially the "Take responsibility for your actions" part.  This is an excellent example of the kind of bullying that occurs when you are younger: someone gets aggravated by someone else, someone persuades others to not like the person, they pick on him until he cries, then once he cries everyone is worried that they will get the person in trouble and act like it never happened.  This fits in so well with taking responsibility for your actions because once a situation goes to far, then no one wants to take responsibility for their actions so they all just blame their part on someone else.  A lot of bulling in elementary school happens because it is the best and most entertaining way to use your time.  You can't do your homework at recess because you don't really have any, you can't play sports because they can get old really fast, and you can't socialize because you just don't do that very much in elementary school.  So when all the bored and immature elementary schoolers see an annoying person that everyone has a problem with walking by it is pretty obvious what they will do with their time.  This also has a lot to do with including others.  Maybe the kid pushed Billy's friend because that was the only way he knew how to socialize, he might just want to make a new friend.  You must try to include someone before you start to bully them.

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